“Hi my name is Debbie Powell I want to share with you an awesome organization I’m a member. It’s called Witnesses to Hunger. It is made up of concern people in our communities who help all people who have food insecurities access to quality and nutritious food. We share our stories of our experiences of lack of food. You would be surprised how many of us have walked in those same shoes some time in our lives.
The group is respectful of everyone’s circumstances. It soften the stigma of being ashamed of their situation that they are not alone. We empower people to go to food banks, mobile food trucks and other food programs that are available to them at no charge. We meet the 3rd Saturday of each month at Wilson Library. Please come to one of our meetings to learn more. ” - Debbie Powell, New Haven Witnesses member speaking about why this organization is so important.
“Why am I a Witness to Hunger? I know what it’s like not to have enough food for both me and my teenage son. Why am I a Witness to Hunger? Because I think we have got to change the face of hunger. Why am I a Witness to Hunger? Because we have to legislatively end hunger in New Haven! Why am I Witness to Hunger? Because eating is a right and not a privilege.” - Kim Hart, New Haven Witnesses site leader speaking from experience about why she fights for food policy.
Why am I a Witness to Hunger? Because I know how does it feel going to bed hungry. Why am I a Witness to Hunger? Because I want to be that Voice for those who are silent. Why am I a Witness to Hunger? Because I want a better future for our children. Why am I a Witness to Hunger? Because together we can stop hunger in New Haven .” - Wanda Perez, New Haven Witnesses to Hunger member speaking from experience about why she fights for food policy.