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We Are Celebrating Our 2 Year Birthday
Come join us January 18, 2020 to celebrate our Birthday and kickoff the New Year !
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM PRCH - Erector Square Bldg. 1 319 Peck Street New Haven
Hunger for Change Conference
Witnesses to Hunger joins CT Food Bank, Food Share, and CT Attorney General William Tong in raising awareness on the impacts of proposed SNAP changes.
Wanda and Susan Presenting
Click the image below to view Power Point Presentation and WTNH Video
CT-CORE Conducts Racial Justice Forum for Witnesses to Hunger
Isa Mujahid, Founder and Organizing Director of CTCORE-Organize Now! (Community Organizing for Racial Equity) conducted the first of a four part racial justice training series for members of Witnesses to Hunger. The training will provide members with the knowledge and skills required to attain their vision of a united community where all people have access to adequate, good quality, and nutritious food by eliminating the racial inequities that create food insecurity and constructing just systems and institutions to replace them.
The first forum was an overview of the elements of change and systems and the foundational skills and vision required to create systemic change .
Spread the word; Free Summer Meals!
Press conference formally to kick off New Haven’s and Hamden’s Free Summer Meals Program.
Witness to Hunger Member Wanda Perez Interviewed by CT Health I-Team
Advocacy Day - We Are Hungry For Change
On Wednesday May 1st, numerous members of Witnesses to Hunger went to the Capitol in Hartford to participate in Hunger Advocacy Day. We heard from Susan Bysiewicz (Lieutenant Governor), Bryan Hurlburt (Agriculture Commissioner), Jason Jakubowski (Foodshare CEO), Bernie Beaudreau (CT Food Bank CEO), Robin Lamott Sparks (End Hunger CT! Executive Director), and our very own Witnesses to Hunger site leader Kim Hart. Kim talked about why legislation and policy changes are important in the fight towards ending hunger. She emphasized how lived and learned experiences go together, and that’s why policy makers need Witnesses to Hunger.
All of the speakers (listed above) recognized Witnesses to Hunger and our “sea of blue t-shirts” in the audience. They expressed enthusiasm about working together.
Witnesses displayed a photo voice exhibit around the room for attendees to see. The photos represented what hunger looks like on an individual level - capturing images like fridges and freezers before and after SNAP benefit allotments, soup kitchens, dinner made with food pantry items, and the price differences between meats.
After the speaking event, Witnesses went to different legislator’s offices to introduce themselves, describe the work they do, and advocate for policy changes.
Stay tuned for what comes next for Witnesses to Hunger! There are a lot of exciting events and opportunities in the works.
Witnesses at the Hamden Hunger Summit
On Thursday April 25th, some New Haven Witnesses to Hunger members represented at Hamden’s Hunger Summit in Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum. They led small table discussions regarding hunger and food hardship. Site leader Kim Hart is quoted in the New Haven Independent talking about why this event is so important. Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Senator Chris Murphy personally recognized their work in the community and advocacy efforts.
The Hamden Hunger Summit marked the release of a
data report about those in Hamden struggling with hunger. The report combines stories and data to portray an accurate picture of what hunger look like in Hamden. This all came together under the Hamden Food Security Task Force - a group of non-profits, food service organizations, concerned community members, and local school officials partnering to end hunger in their community. So far, this group has succeeded in adding 2 new Summer Meals sites to Hamden, securing a new mobile food pantry site in Hamden, and collecting 260 community surveys among many other accomplishments.
Check out some more photos from the Summit.
Photos by Johnathon Henninger Photography courtesy of United Way of Greater New Haven.