NHPS Free Summer Meals - Comidas de Verano Gratis

June 28th - August 13th Monday - Friday 11:30AM - 1:00PM

28 De Junio - 13 De Agosto - Lunes -Viernes 11:30Am - 1:00PM

All Kids 18 and Under - Niños de Años y Menos

Parents & guardians may pick up meals for students at any of the schools below

Los padres y tutores pueden recoger comidas para los estudiantes en cualquiera de las escuelas a continuación

Click Here for List of Schools - Clic aquí para ver la lista de las escuelas

Ubicaciones de Autobuses de Verano

Summer Bus Locations

Bus/Van #1 Stops- Sunset Ridge Apartments, Trowbridge Square Park, Galvin Park, Catholic Outreach - Click here for dates and time!

Bus/Van #2 Stops- East Shore Park, Nathan Hale School, Eastern View Terrace, Scott Ridge Apts.- Click Here for dates and times!

Bus/Van #3 Stops - Dover Beach Splash Pad, South Genesse Playground, Edgewood Park/Tennis Courts, Cornell Scott-Hill Health —Click Here for dates and times!

Bus/Van #4 Stops - Bassett Splash Pad, Charles St Police Substation/Stetson Library, Scantlebury Park, KesingtonApt/Chapel St - Click Here for dates and times!

Map of Schools and Summer Bus Locations - Mapa de escuelas y ubicaciones de autobuses de verano

New Haven mini-documentary: Heart disease and health disparities - making healthy food affordable

This video was produced by Purple States and DataHaven for Powering Healthy Lives. For more information see ctdatahaven.org/video.

Featuring Witnesses to Hunger Member Wanda Perez along with Myra Smith & Lacole Floyd

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Learn more about Witnesses to Hunger

Food Pantry Appeals To Senator Murphy

Kim Hart, Site Leader for Witnesses to Hunger New Haven, met with Senator Chris Murphy at Loaves & Fishes Food Bank. She thanked Senator Murphy for all his work and joined in the appeal for the State to provide resources to food banks during the coronavirus pandemic.

Read Article on New Haven Independent