NHPS Free Summer Meals - Comidas de Verano Gratis

June 28th - August 13th Monday - Friday 11:30AM - 1:00PM

28 De Junio - 13 De Agosto - Lunes -Viernes 11:30Am - 1:00PM

All Kids 18 and Under - Niños de Años y Menos

Parents & guardians may pick up meals for students at any of the schools below

Los padres y tutores pueden recoger comidas para los estudiantes en cualquiera de las escuelas a continuación

Click Here for List of Schools - Clic aquí para ver la lista de las escuelas

Ubicaciones de Autobuses de Verano

Summer Bus Locations

Bus/Van #1 Stops- Sunset Ridge Apartments, Trowbridge Square Park, Galvin Park, Catholic Outreach - Click here for dates and time!

Bus/Van #2 Stops- East Shore Park, Nathan Hale School, Eastern View Terrace, Scott Ridge Apts.- Click Here for dates and times!

Bus/Van #3 Stops - Dover Beach Splash Pad, South Genesse Playground, Edgewood Park/Tennis Courts, Cornell Scott-Hill Health —Click Here for dates and times!

Bus/Van #4 Stops - Bassett Splash Pad, Charles St Police Substation/Stetson Library, Scantlebury Park, KesingtonApt/Chapel St - Click Here for dates and times!

Map of Schools and Summer Bus Locations - Mapa de escuelas y ubicaciones de autobuses de verano