January Meeting & Birthday Party

Witnesses to Hunger started the new decade by celebrating our 2nd birthday and planning activities for the coming year.

Rachel, Tammy and Susan presented on the importance of participating in the upcoming US Census. The Federal Government uses Census data to distribute program funds, such as SNAP, to States and Cities. WTH Census Committee will work to maximize participation in the Census that begins April 1, 2020.

Annie Harper from the Yale PRCH spoke to the group about her research in dept impact on our health. WTH will be posting details on programs she will be hosting next week.

Kim & Billy discussed plans to organize our membership efforts. They ask members to sign up for one or more of three committee; Program Support, Policy Action, and Program Support. Each committee will discuss the activities for the coming year and report back at the February meeting three goals to complete. Among some of our continuing activities are visiting our Legislative Office Building, Secret Shopper Research Project, Photo Stories, Grant Applications, and Filling the Summer Meal Gap .

Members also enjoyed a tasty Spanish meal from El Collado,

2020 is off to a great start!

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