Witnesses at the Hamden Hunger Summit

On Thursday April 25th, some New Haven Witnesses to Hunger members represented at Hamden’s Hunger Summit in Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum. They led small table discussions regarding hunger and food hardship. Site leader Kim Hart is quoted in the New Haven Independent talking about why this event is so important. Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Senator Chris Murphy personally recognized their work in the community and advocacy efforts.

The Hamden Hunger Summit marked the release of a
data report about those in Hamden struggling with hunger. The report combines stories and data to portray an accurate picture of what hunger look like in Hamden. This all came together under the Hamden Food Security Task Force - a group of non-profits, food service organizations, concerned community members, and local school officials partnering to end hunger in their community. So far, this group has succeeded in adding 2 new Summer Meals sites to Hamden, securing a new mobile food pantry site in Hamden, and collecting 260 community surveys among many other accomplishments.

Check out some more photos from the Summit.
Photos by Johnathon Henninger Photography courtesy of United Way of Greater New Haven.

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